This report is not a guarantee, valuation or appraisal and Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, has made no representation or warranty about this report, or the diamond referred to within.
You recognise that opinions may reasonably vary on the characteristics referred to in this report and it therefore contains a description of the characteristics of the diamond based on Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, grading, testing, examination, and analysis using Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, techniques and equipment at the time of examination.
A similar report provided by a third-party laboratory may differ from this one depending on when, how and by whom the diamond is examined and the changes and improvements in techniques and equipment that may have occurred between the two examinations. It will not always be possible to determine if a diamond has been treated or processed and Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, offers no guarantees in this respect.
Institute of Diamonds has provided this report for a small fee compared to the present and potential value of the diamond(s) referred to because it is able to limit Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, liability as follows:
Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, and its affiliates, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense, or any special, indirect, incidental, exemplary, punitive, statutory, or consequential damages, including lost profits, resulting from any error or omission from this report or from the issuance or use of this report, even if the loss, damage or expense was caused by Institute of Diamonds, a De Beers Group Company, any of its affiliates, directors, employees, agents, or by the acts of others even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
The above limitation of liability extends to the person for whom this report was prepared and to every other person to whom this report is distributed or shown.